Environmental Protection Authority


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1989 under the administrative control of the Physical Planning and Housing (PP&H) Department. Later on it was transferred to the planning, Environment & Development (PE&D) Department. In 2001, it was placed under the newly created Environment Department. EPA has now one head office at Peshawar while the three directorates at Abbottabad, D.I Khan and Swat along with a regional office at Gadoon Swabi. The main purpose of this organization is to carry out inspections for entities such as factories, housing societies, dams and other similar projects for protecting the environment from several types of pollution.

Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA) has been established under section (5) of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act,(PEPA) 1997. Basic functions of Pak-EPA are;


  • To enforce the PEPA-1997 at rules & regulations
  • Approve Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
  • Issues certificates for establishment of environment labs in the Islamabad Capital Territory.
  • Pak-EPA is mandated to prepare or revise, and establish the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) with approval of Pakistan Environmental Protection Council (PEPC)
  • Take measures to promote research and the development of science and technology which may contribute to the prevention of pollution. protection of the environment, and sustainable development
  • Identify the needs for, and initiate legislation in various sectors of the environment
  • Provide information and guidance to the public on environmental matters
  • Specify safeguards for the prevention of accidents and disasters which may cause pollution and encourage the formation and working of nongovernmental organizations, community organizations, and village organizations to prevent and control pollution and promote sustainable development.
  • The Agency may undertake inquiries or investigation into environmental issues, either of its own accord or upon complaint from any person or organization.


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