WELCOME TO Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's


Government of KP Vision and Objective for Doing Business

Leveraging niche sectors of investment within the province through an improved regulatory ecosystem for wider economic growth.Ease in DB is at the heartland of the Policies of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Introduction of EODB

Ease of doing business is the key agenda of both the Federal and Provincial Governments of Pakistan. The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is continuously working for creating a favorable business ecosystem through policy reforms, modernization of existing regulatory frameworks, and elimination of redundant regulations.

The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has established ease of doing business and a facilitation center as a point of contact for the business community at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa board of investment and trade.


Ease of doing business ranks Ten areas of business operations including regulations and their implications for the SME sector and countries are ranked accordingly.

Short snaps of the ten indicators of EODB

Starting a Business

Ease in starting a business through facilitation with SECP, Directorate of Industries, and other relevant bodies to save procedures, time, cost, and paid in capital for SMEs. Digitization the way forward.

Trade across the border

Afghanistan and Central Asian replicas offer huge opportunities for industrialists and traders in the Province. KP Commerce and trade strategy 2020 addresses key constraints and encourages Trading across the borders.

Paying Taxes

Online payment of Taxes has been introduced. The numbers of payments are now measured at 34 from 47 and the time for paying taxes has reduced substantially.

Getting Credit

Financial Inclusion of the wider business sector is the foremost policy objective of the provincial Government. Access to finance is key to KP Industrial Policy 2020.

Resolving Insolvency

Speedy system of resolving insolvencies within the businesses will be introduced through Commercial Courts in KP.

Getting Construction Permits

Construction permits for commercial building plan approval have been digitized to ease business.

Registering Property

Service delivery centers for registration and issuance of FARD and Mutation have been established across various districts in the KP.

Enforcing Contracts

Establishment of consumer and Commercial courts for speedy enforcement of contracts. ADRs mechanisms have been introduced in the KP.

Getting Electricity

Electricity and other utilities are provided to zero point in the industrial estates in KP to ease the businesses

9514 Registered
8900 Total
7375 Certificates
1525 Under